'René' takes place on a rectangular playground where two dance acrobats explore their freedom, within an endless back-and-forth, and back-and-forth, and back-and-forth... 

Through a mix of precision and playfulness, 'René' evolves from simple movements into an acrobatic dance. Amidst the seemingly unchanging, there's a quest for variety and spontaneity.

Sinking Sideways delves into what "collaboration" means for humans: sharing attention, synchronizing, showing solidarity, making attempts, persevering, achieving success, and facing failure. Never alone, but always together.

Show dates
Sat 10 Aug
Sun 11 Aug
6 - Limburgplein
at town hall 't Scheep
Limburgplein 1
3500 Hasselt
45 minutes
From 12 years old
Wheelchair accessible

artists & project coordonation Xenia Bannuscher, Dries Vanwalle 

outside-eye Thomas Falk, Axel Guérin, Dagmar Dachauer 

music composition Jonas Bolliger 

light design Rinus Samyn 

costume Hanne Pierrot 

technician Jef Delva 

company management Leoni Grützmacher - ehrliche arbeit / freies kulturbüro 

international distribution Anne-Agathe Prin 

co-production PERPLX, Circustruction, CirkLabo, Theater Op De Markt – Dommelhof 

supported by Circus Dance Festival, Zirkus ON, Miramiro, Latitude 50 - Pôle des arts du cirque et de la rue, Château de Monthelon, Circuscentrum, Cirkus Kolektiv, The HUB 

special thanks to Britt Van Eijk, Kolja Huneck, Fidel Rott 

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