For some performances, you need a ticket. Purchase your tickets in advance via; every ticket you buy online is one euro cheaper than at the counter. Tickets bought online can be printed, shown as a PDF on your smartphone, or displayed in the Ticketmatic app.

You can also buy tickets at our information desk.

Both online and at the counter, you can buy tickets up to one hour before the performance starts. If a performance is not yet sold out, you can still buy a ticket at the performance venue. Note: you can only pay in cash here. It is not possible to reserve tickets via email.

General conditions

  • Allow sufficient time between two performances: some locations are far apart, the duration of the performances is indicative and may vary, ticketed performances start promptly at the announced time, and no audience members are admitted after the start.
  • Respect the age guidelines indicated for each performance. If age restrictions are not followed, you may be denied access to the performance.
  • Tickets are not exchanged or refunded. You can try to resell your tickets yourself via TicketSwap.
  • For free performances, reservations cannot be made in advance (unless stated otherwise). Sometimes these free performances take place at locations with limited audience capacity, where we adhere to the "full is full" rule for safety measures.
  • The program is subject to change. These will be communicated in a timely manner via email and/or phone to involved ticket holders, through our website and social media channels, and at the information desk.